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What are the basic elements in perceptual process? Discuss the factors influencing perception with the help of examples

The perceptual process involves several basic elements that contribute to how individuals interpret and understand their environment. Here are the key components: Basic Elements of the Perceptual Process Factors Influencing Perception Conclusion The perceptual process is a complex interplay of sensory input, attention, interpretation, and response, influenced by various individual and contextual factors. Understanding these… Read More »What are the basic elements in perceptual process? Discuss the factors influencing perception with the help of examples

What is organisational citizenship behaviour? Discuss different approaches to OCB

Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) refers to voluntary, discretionary behaviors exhibited by employees that are not directly recognized by formal reward systems but contribute positively to the overall functioning of the organization. These behaviors enhance organizational effectiveness and create a more collaborative work environment. OCB can include actions such as helping colleagues, being punctual, participating in… Read More »What is organisational citizenship behaviour? Discuss different approaches to OCB

Explain any two theories of motivation citing relevant examples

Here are two prominent theories of motivation: 1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Description: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a psychological theory proposed by Abraham Maslow, which posits that human needs are arranged in a hierarchy. The theory suggests that individuals are motivated to fulfill basic needs before moving on to higher-level needs. The hierarchy includes… Read More »Explain any two theories of motivation citing relevant examples

Explain behavior modification process citing suitable examples

The behavior modification process is a systematic approach used to change undesirable behaviors and reinforce desired ones through various techniques based on behavioral psychology. It involves several key steps: 1. Identification of Target Behavior 2. Baseline Measurement 3. Setting Goals 4. Selection of Intervention Techniques 5. Implementation of Interventions 6. Monitoring and Data Collection 7.… Read More »Explain behavior modification process citing suitable examples

Discuss the modern theories of leadership citing relevant examples

Modern theories of leadership have evolved to address the complexities of contemporary organizational environments. Here are some key modern leadership theories, along with relevant examples: 1. Transformational Leadership Description: Transformational leaders inspire and motivate followers to achieve extraordinary outcomes by fostering a strong vision, encouraging innovation, and promoting personal development. Example: Howard Schultz, former CEO… Read More »Discuss the modern theories of leadership citing relevant examples